Transformed Mind Wellness


Transformed Mind Wellness offers a faith-integrated mind and spirit empowerment program to help you become the best version of yourself. The goal of our coaching program is to help seasoned healthcare workers and highly skilled professionals:
As your one-on-one coach, Dr. Tiwa will assess your current mental wellbeing status, conduct a review of your past and then provide you with a customized growth map, collaborative guidance and consistent accountability to help you build a path from your present struggles to a desired future of clarity, confidence, and sustained motivation. Dr. Tiwa’s private coaching services are not akin to formal therapy; she employs a faith-based coaching style for people who desire to overcome psychological barriers with the knowledge of God.
As part of your coaching journey together, Dr. Tiwa will educate, enlighten, encourage, and equip you using several coaching techniques to help you achieve a mental transformation that leads to optimal performance in work and life.
Personal development does not happen by accident, it requires intention.
Be intentional about your growth. EXPLORE COACHING PACKAGES BELOW:
A healthcare professional appears fatigued or stressed, touching her forehead in a gesture of concern or exhaustion.



Self-guided improvement regimen
A 90 minute 1:1 session with targeted and tailored strategic mindset growth map.


Basic self-awareness
($250 value)
Basic self-compassion
($250 value)
Improved work- integration
($250 value)
Improved quality in relationship with God (PRICELESS)
Improved quality in relationship with spouse, children, people
($1,000 value)
Improved communication
($250 value)
Improved self-esteem
($250 value)
Increased confidence
($250 value)
Improved clarity of purpose
($500 value)


( $3,000 value)

*Limited Time Offer



4-6 private 60 minute weekly intensive coaching sessions
Application of the ADAPT FAITH ™ strategies ( based on the book “ When the Mind Cries”)
1-2 focused psychological goal(s)
A 90 minute 1:1 session with personalized strategic growth map (3,000 value)


Intermediate self-awareness ($750 value)
Intermediate self compassion ($500 value)
Intermediate work-life integration ($1,000 value)
Improved quality in relationship with God (PRICELESS)
Improved quality in relationship with spouse, children & people
( $2,000 value)
Improved communication
($1,000 value)
Improved self-esteem
($1,000 value)
Increased confidence
($1,000 value)
Clarity of purpose
($1,500 value)


Improved work productivity
($2,000 value)
Access to online courses
($500 value)
Access to resources beyond coaching ($500 value)


( $14,750 value)

*Limited Time Offer



Flagship program for maximum mental performance
8-10 private 60 minute weekly intensive coaching sessions
A 90 minute session focused on personalized growth mapping ($3,000 value)


Extensive self-awareness ($1,000 value)
Extensive self compassion ($1,000 value)
Extensive work-life integration ($2,000 value)
Improved quality in relationship with God (PRICELESS)
Improved quality in relationship with spouse, children, people and yourself($5,000 value)
Improved communication ($2,000 value)
Improved self-esteem
($2,000 value)
Increased confidence
($2,000 value)
Clarity of purpose
($2,000 value)
Improved work productivity ($5,000 value)

Voice/e-mail support between sessions ($500 value)

Increased ability to set healthy boundaries ($500 value)


Improved quality in mindset ($1,000 value)
Access to online courses
($500 value)
Emotional resilience
($1,000 value)
Review and analyses of multiple assessments ($200 value)
Review of relevant previous decisions ($500 value)
Access to resources beyond coaching ($500 value)


($29,700 value)

*Limited Time Offer


As a trained psychiatrist, assistant professor, and John Maxwell Certified Coach and speaker, Dr. Tiwa Osunfisan is a sought-after expert on the topics of mental health awareness and the various coping mechanisms that can be leveraged to achieve a better daily life and mindset. She has addressed large and intimate audiences in both academic and global media settings. Topics on which she regularly speaks include:

  • Impostor syndrome
  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • Mental health barriers and their impact on personal growth
  • Integration of mental health and faith 
  • Mind and body connections
  • Anxiety and depression management
  • Emotional health management tools 
  • Improving mindset for men, mothers, couples, family, etc. 
Dr. Tiwa offers knowledgeable, mental strategies, spiritual empowerment, and actionable tips in a calming and reassuring tone. If you are looking for a dynamic speaker on mental well-being or the integration of mental health and faith, Dr. Tiwa is the perfect addition to your upcoming panel or public speaking roster.
A woman with a bright smile wearing a red sweater and black pants, standing with her arms crossed against a brown background.


Dr. Tiwa is a soon-to-be-published book author who was inspired by God and the shared experiences of people she has met in her professional and personal life who have had to deal with the consequences of unmanaged emotional pain. She is the author of “When The Mind Cries: An Integrated Mental Health and Faith Guide To Generational Healing and Transformation” an extraordinary guide that seamlessly intertwines mental health and faith as a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing psychological pain.
In today’s world, where countless individuals suffer from the consequences of mental health challenges, this book serves as a beacon of hope amidst a scarcity of accessible professionals. It is written to enlighten readers about the unique intricacies of emotional pain while emphasizing that no one is immune to its grip. Through profound insights backed by scientific research and spiritual wisdom, When The Mind Cries leaves no stone unturned in educating readers on the devastating consequences that unmanaged psychological pain can have on our lives.
The book serves as a guide that goes beyond mere awareness; it equips readers with an arsenal of strategies meticulously crafted to transform emotional pain into profound purpose. It gently guides readers towards understanding themselves better while unraveling spiritual avenues for healing. This book is written for anyone age 18 and older who is looking to learn how to uniquely blend faith and mental health to achieve generational psychological healing and sustained transformation from any psychological challenge.
Be the first to purchase the book upon release here:
A person sitting and writing notes in a notebook.


As a mental health and wellness coach, Dr. Tiwa is dedicated to offering transformative digital courses that empower highly skilled professionals in their personal growth journey. Her carefully crafted course offerings aim to address the difficulties and challenges that often plague modern life – stress, self-doubt, and lack of fulfillment. Through a variety of interactive lessons, guided activities, and introspective exercises, participants learn invaluable tools to break free from these debilitating patterns. Current topics include:
Man with glasses concentrating on laptop screen, with a cup of coffee at his workspace.

Go Beyond The Pages

Want regular mental health tips and spiritual encouragement from an expert? After purchasing our book, fill out the form below to get guidance from Dr. Tiwa straight to your inbox.
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Don’t forget to spread the word about the book! Share how excited you are about the book via your social media links below!

What Past Clients Are Saying

"My coaching sessions with Dr Tiwa made me feel more empowered to accomplish my goals.
I learned that I need always to include God in everything. I need to set firm boundaries and focus on what God wants me to do. I liked that she validated my feelings while being honest and checking me when needed."

Dr. C.J.

What Past Clients Are Saying

"My coaching sessions with Dr. Tiwa opened my eyes to skills I already possessed but weren’t quite highlighting that would help me to advance both personally and professionally. I appreciated how individualized my sessions felt. I appreciated the seamless integration of medicine and faith. Each session left me with something to reflect on that ultimately brought me closer to clarity with my career.
Dr. Tiwa patiently worked with me to help me clarify my values, my passions, and my targeted areas for growth. You can easily tell she’s passionate about this topic. I would highly recommend these coaching sessions for any woman who’s unsure of the next steps."

Dr. K.L.

What Past Clients Are Saying

“Dr. Tiwalola Osunfisan is a blessing for our time. She helped me gain clarity during one of the darkest moments of my life. I was transformed during our time together; I could finally accept what was beyond my control and see the light in a dark and uncertain situation. She is a good listener, empathic, and very versatile. She gave me the initial momentum I needed to journey forward. I often return to what we discussed when I am at a crossroads. I highly recommend her services.”


What Past Clients Are Saying

"Dr Tiwa is an amazing mental health coach. She is able to bring the faith element into conversations of emotional pain, or life issues and creates a well balanced perspective . I remember once when I discussed some family issues with her, she helped me to see how some people can be entitled and how to handle those issues without guilt which helped my perspective a lot as I always felt guilty when I couldn’t really help. I really like speaking to her to discuss some issues because I enjoy sharing and bouncing different perspectives with her. She helps me a lot to see things differently. Thank you Dr. Tiwa for all you do to help people through their mental health issues."

Ms F.K

What Past Clients Are Saying

"Friends I referred to Transformed Mind Wellness have a good experience & positive feedback from their session(s) with Dr Tiwa. They leave feeling understood. Dr Tiwa collaborates with them to create actionable steps they need to move past their challenge and arrive at their desired goal."

Dr. T.O

What Past Clients Are Saying

"In 2022, I attended a retreat where Dr Tiwa Osunfisan spoke. During her session, she encouraged us. She went further to ask us to write down what we needed from God. I did as advised because my heart was heavy. Shortly after the meeting, my heart turned from being heavy to fulfilled as I received what I had asked God. Today, I am living and enjoying my life. Thank God, and thank you, Dr Tiwa. I look forward to meeting you physically someday."

Barr Abimbola Adigun

What Past Clients Are Saying

"Dr. Tiwa is a highly knowledgeable professional. She effortlessly provides mental health information in a relatable way that everyday people can learn from. I enjoyed every bit of our conversation on “staying mentally healthy during the festive season.” I am looking forward to having more conversations with her. She is a fantastic speaker, and I highly recommend her."

Dr. Toun Faloye

What Past Clients Are Saying

"As an attendee at Dr. Tiwa’s speaking events, Dr Tiwa provides her audience with great insight into how to thrive in daily activities. Dr. Tiwa talks about mental issues and normalizes them to remove stigma. Dr. Tiwa provides tips on ways individuals can support people with mental challenges in a nonjudgmental manner."

Dr. Olayinka

What Past Clients Are Saying

"I received the privilege of constructive and excellent mentoring, guidance, and a positive mind shift in 2023 when I found myself at a very, very low point in life. Dr. Tiwa is amazing in terms of mentoring and mindset coaching. She shared her expertise with me and went above and beyond to get me out of myself and help me prepare to complete my doctoral dissertation and presentation successfully. Dr. Tiwa is responsive and a subject matter expert in the health and wellness arena. Thank you." 


Frequently Asked Questions

Transformed Mind Wellness’ services are focused on education, enlightenment, encouragement, and equipping you with the tools to succeed from a faith-based lens.

Unlike traditional therapy, our coaching practice does not focus on resolving past events. Transformed Mind Wellness services are structured and integrated with faith-based techniques to help you find the courage and strength to overcome psychological barriers to achieving your goals in your life. 

Although your information is kept confidential, we are not bound by the traditional doctor-patient relationship and thus no HIPPA regulations apply. We invite individuals who are seeking a spiritual approach to transforming their mental well-being to seek out private coaching with Dr. Tiwa.

Payment plans are available upon request. Please feel free to – include this request when you inquire on our contact page

We do NOT provide psychiatric evaluation, psychiatric medication recommendations, or prescriptions. 

Yes, 21 years or older. Our programs are intended for working and seasoned healthcare workers and highly skilled professionals in need of mental health coaching support.

If we determine that you may need additional care or support beyond what our coaching program can provide, a recommendation to seek formal therapeutic or psychiatric management services will be given. 

Transformed Mind Wellness is a virtual company; this grants us the capability to support clients in a variety of locations around the nation and across the globe. Please share your current location when submitting an inquiry for coaching services via our contact page.